Shortest driving day 4 hours
Longest distance day 683 km
Shortest driving day. 270 km
Average moving speed for us 71 kph
Total distance driven 6119 km
Highest point 10469 feet
Lowest - 128 feet
Petrol used 613 Litres giving 10 km per ltr or in English 28 mpg. Not bad at all.
Oil used just under 1 litre
Spare parts used 1 pair of points, 1 condenser, 1 rotor arm.
Known repairs to be carried out - broken speedo.
Furthest distance from London 8349 miles
Population density of London per square mile is 12,331
Population density of Patagonia per per square mile 4
Highest temperature on the rally 39.5c
Lowest temperature on the rally -2c
Wind speed recorded at El Calafate airport 130 kph
Ushuaia is on latitude 54.80 degrees south.
Newcastle is on latitude 54.90 degrees north, the same distance from the equator but two different worlds.
4 cars were unable to finish but the crews made it enjoying the luxury of rental cars
31 cars finished the journey.
The oldest car 1927 Oldsmobile 30E
The youngest 1974 Mercedes 450 sl
Smallest car Porsche 356A - 1600cc
Largest car Mustang - 4735 cc
Circuits raced 6 some twice.
Wildlife spotted
Sheep 2,367,739. Goats lost count. Guanaco at least 83 . Pig 1
Armadillo 2 (Looked both ways and still alive). Patagonia Hare 2 (and several not so
smart at crossing the road). Condors lots ! Snake 1. Dolphin 1. Albastross 12.
smart at crossing the road). Condors lots ! Snake 1. Dolphin 1. Albastross 12.
Tired rally crews 35
Best hotel - joint 1st Hotel Explora Torres del Paine and Llao Llao Hotel Bariloche
Worst hotel - difficult they all tried very hard to look after us but reckon Esquel takes
the prize.
the prize.
Most spectacular sight has to be the Perito Moreno Glacier, close 2nd volcanoes and
lava fields.
lava fields.
Most frightening experience crossing the Magellan Strait. See video
Best experience - Cape Horn Challenge 2013
2973 viewings of this blog :) Hope you enjoyed it. Where next? Well Molly has always wanted to see a real giraffe, so we guess we will have to take her to South Africa in May 2014
Thank you very much for all your support and kind words of encouragement over the past month, we had a ball.
David Julie and Molly.
David Julie and Molly.
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