Molly Porsche all set for Cape Horn Rally

Molly Porsche as she left the UK on her trip to the Cape Horn Rally. Molly was originally prepared by Gantspeed Engineering for the Paris Peking Rally 2007.
Since then Molly has been all over Europe and Asia. Soon to be South America and then South Africa in 2014.
porsche 356A
We have fitted Colway rally tyres to cope with all the gravel roads and hopeful keep us on them :)
We have taken a spare wheel and tyre (on the roof). With a bit of luck we will not need them driving through South America on our way down to Cape Horn.
molly Porsche

molly porsche
This is our office for the next month. Julie has to navigate us for 6000 + kilometres using a Tulip route map book an old Halda Speedmaster trip, plus old Heuer stop watches.
Last time Julie navigated us 7000 kilometres around Asia with no wrong turns, only a bit of pilot error :)
The seats were specially made for us by the great team at Corbeau Seats.

I just can not resist this rear view of a Porsche 356.
The rally plates were originally metal and would not fit on any part of Molly's rounded shape.
We took the metal plates to Creative FX in Bromley. They made these perfect copies in plastic along with maps of the route. Easy to fit, they simply peel off when you have finished.
Molly porsche 356A
You can see the engine protection (skid plates) on the underside of Molly. There is a similar plate at the front. These are very solid and take a real hammering on the rally roads and the pot holes of Kent :)
Molly Porsche

We have put the map of our route on the side of Molly. This helps explain to the locals what we are doing driving around South America in an old Porsche. It also helps us check were we are meant to go every day :)
We are number 32, which 'seems' to be based on the age of the car. it means we will start each day 3rd from last. Julie says that means she can have a lay in. She has not worked out I will have to drive like stink to make sure we are not 3rd from last at the bar in the evening.
We think the staring number should be based on the size of the car, we are the smallest (don't often hear a bloke saying that) and the prettiest so we should be number 1 :)

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