Thursday, 14 November 2013

Disaster and we haven't even started

Today we had to drive out of Buenos Aires to a suburb called Tigre. About an hour of mayhem but we made it one piece. We park in the grounds of Tigre Art Museum.

The cars all had to line up for some quite serious scrutineering. If the car does not pass this sort of MOT then you can't 'sign on' and if you can't 'sign on' you ain't going rallying.
Sat back quite relaxed watching others having some problems, the nice scrutineering man comes along and no matter how much we smile at him he fails Molly. Doesn't he know who we are? How can anyone fail Molly. Oh dear, oh dear! Anyway the expert mechanic in me comes to the fore and laying out the entire tool kit I select the right screwdriver, I even manage to select the correct bulb, screw it in, not up, and before you know it we are back in business. Julie is amazed at my engineering skills and I am quite smug. Oy you ! Mr scrutineering come back and check this out, two working brake lights :) We get a pass and sign on, relief!

However some cars did have some major problems, at least one is already out, what a terrible shame.
The cars stay at Tigre tonight, we bus over to them in the morning and at midday we are off.
For the budding Michael Fishes reading this, the weather here is just warming up 34 degrees and climbing.

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